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International Women's Day

Updated: Mar 11, 2022

Hey Sis,

You are amazing!

Let's make it a habit to honor and celebrate the women in our lives everyday, if we don't already. The theme is "Break the Bias" which is focusing on "gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow." Calling out Gender bias, discrimination, or stereotypes wherever it is present.

We will honor the achievements of women who have come before us because they faced great challenges and came out on the other side of them. Their stories remind us of their endurance, dignity, tolerance, empathy, boldness, and kindness. They juggled so many different priorities and many of us can find ourselves doing the same and losing ourselves in the process. There is such a long list of opportunities that weren’t offered to our elders which probably made many of them feel inadequate. They did what needed to be done to pave the way for us to have the opportunities we have now. We are still facing challenges and there is still work that needs to be done but I am hoping we can continue fighting for equality so that the generations coming behind us won’t have to face these challenges we are experiencing now on top of what will face them in their time. The courage of our elders and ancestors reminds us that although we are challenged with biases and adversity which might make us fearful, in the midst, we should still stand firm and strong because change will come and we too can come out on the other side of our challenges and pave the way for future generations. We all have unique contribution we are enough; we are beautiful just the way we are, and we carry the elixirs needed to bring change to the world.

Empowerment is encouraging others but in doing so we must tune in. Pay attention to how the women around you show up, how they may feel, and behave. It is important to understand their struggles, successes, challenges, and needs. With validating her feelings and fostering conversations with transparency it can offer and create a safe space for her to heal parts of herself she didn’t feel comfortable with facing and releasing. It is nice to know there is real sisterhood and it is nice to be reminded that we are not journeying alone even though it may feel like we are or that we want to because of the experiences our journey has offered us.

We as women come from all walks of life and different racial groups and our struggles are different and the women who have come before us, their struggles were as well and those coming behind us their struggles will be different. We also must hold space for the women near and across the waters who are with struggle and not feeling empowered because of their circumstances. Those who are facing trauma or battling with mental health. Black and Brown Mamas fighting to keep it together for their children in Ukraine, and mamas everywhere. There is also feelings of heaviness surrounding not being able to celebrate because there is a war and there are women and families suffering. In your own time if you feel led to light a candle as a way to wrap your arms around them energetically so they may feel held by your intention and my hopes are that they are offered opportunity to let out all their frustrations in a safe space. I want to use this moment to acknowledge women who need or want to be taught, inspired, loved, and offered rest so they can continue on their journey. This day is to honor the divine feminine all around the world. Keep praying for one another until we are all free from iniquities.

Many years ago, the world was different and women weren’t offered the same opportunities as men. We are grateful for gender equality. There was a very long list of opportunities that were not available to women. One of the opportunities were the right to vote. I am grateful that voting opportunities were granted to women but women’s suffrage was divided. Although women were granted the right to vote due to the 19th amendment in 1920, it excluded Black women, Indigenous people, Hispanic, Latino, and Asian citizens. The Indian Citizenship Act granted Native Americans the right to vote in 1924 and in 1965 The Voting Rights Act, a gem for the civil rights movement, outlawed many practices that engaged in discrimination which included denying U.S. citizens the right to vote based on their race. The 1975 extension was an amendment added to the Voting Rights Act acknowledging non-English speaking voters which included Latino, and Asian citizens.

Change happened and will continue to happen as we do our part and be true to ourselves. Stand firm in what YOU believe in and what you are passionate about. We are capable of standing in our power. Everything we need is within. Be humble. Learn what is for you and what isn't. Accept and work on both your strengths and weaknesses. Give yourself permission to be gentle with yourself and know you are worthy to be celebrated and praised for your achievements no matter how small you think they may be. This Blog is not to divisively compare or take away from the men in our community because they need safe spaces to feel empowered as well but this blog post is to encourage women across the globe to stand together because unity is important. We need more respect and admiration vs competition and stereotypes. We should find a solution to our differences bringing us together and not dividing us any longer.

I really enjoy creating safe space for community and acknowledging humans being who they be while sharing all their amazing gifts for the world to experience. A huge recognition for all the powerful women in my life and here existing. YoU ArE AMaZING! On International Women’s Day I decided to share the expression of some amazing women I am grateful to be in connection with from near and across the waters.

It amazes me how today, International Women's Day is the same day as my shero (my grandmother) 's birthday. This day reminds me that I am a bold beautiful intelligent black woman that came from the bold beautiful intelligent black women before me and I am beyond proud of it. It's amazing and such a blessing to be able to use this day to reflect on not just my shero but all of the phenomenal women in my life who have helped shape me into the woman that I am today. This day is for all women all across the world who impact and/or have been impacted by other amazing women. -Sameerah

"International Women's Day is about oneness, less judgement & comparison and more understanding, oneness, love, and supporting each other. Life is hard enough let's appreciate and support other women."

- Amanda

"International Women's Day is about acknowledging the elder women who paved a pathway, support all women of different races, and acknowledge what women have achieved." - Sonya

" While I appreciate all the powerful and motivational messages that women receive on this day, to me it actually means that we still have a lot of work to do to advance women's rights. This day would not exist, just like Black History Month or Hispanic Heritage Month, if these groups weren't oppressed. People, especially those with privileges, have work to do to challenge the structures that keep specific groups of people oppressed. Also, it means to me to remember intersectionality. That women's rights must be inclusive of race, sexuality, economic background, etc. Women's rights is not just for a few, but for all who identify as women." - Lorena

"This day means resilience, persistence and while there are seemingly never-ending things to do. To still find time to be soft, supple, and to rest. And that our feelings are superpowers." -Anayza

@Anayzalove on instagram


"This day represents the celebration and elevation of all women everywhere. It's about honoring the givers of life! Not in comparison to men but because women are worthy of honoring on their own. Because we exist, we celebrate the power, beauty and intelligence of that existence!"- Sarah @Sarahbryannegrady on instagram

"International Women's Day means I am celebrated for being myself. My beautiful mind, my beautiful curves, and my beautiful voice are celebrated above and below!" Fọláṣadé pictured on the right

"This day marks the beginning days of Ọṣùn's season - a celebration of the divine feminine mystique. International Women's Day is in alignment with celebrating the divine feminine within." -Olayeye pictured on the left

" It is a day to celebrate myself and all the wonderful women in my family and circle - all the strength and beauty we bring to

this world. …Through our minds, influence, and lineage."

- Jasmine @foodthatfits_u on instagram

"This is a very special artwork made for a national stamp competition. Was painted by a friend, who used my image to represent the Irish goddess Ériu. Here, she holds out a welcoming hand to people from around the world and holds her belly pregnant with future Irish generations."

Means a lot to me

"Be the woman who fixes another woman's crown without telling everyone it was crooked." Sums up my feels for international women's day.

- Margarita Morphy @margarita.morphy on instagram

"International Women’s Day is a day to acknowledge our powers — past and present. We are celebrating accomplishments at the same time building new tables, and pulling up our chairs to predominantly male tables. We are magic and can use our feminine grace to still exhibit truly resilient strength. Cheers to all the strong women in my life." “May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them.” -Toy @toymakesfaces on instagram

"International Women's Day represents the intentionality of honoring and recognizing the stories and lives of women all around the world." - Tatiana Jasira Lima

@lima.gaze on instagram

"It’s a reminder that women birthed the world in every way..

We are innovative.. nurturing.. resilient. We just dope!"

- Donnae

on instagram



International Women's Day is a day to remember my relationship to the divine energy that exists inside of all of us no matter our age, gender identity, sexuality, or socio economic status. There is power and healing in claiming myself as a divine being and in seeing the divinity in other women that activates deeper loving and more authentic relationships. - Omisade

on instagram @Osunsweetnsour


"International Women' Day means Connection, empowerment, nourishment, resilience."

- Gabrielle

"It's something that we should celebrate more often. To me it represents women all over the world especially the original Queens of royalty from the beginning who set the standards in which we try to live by. Those who pushed through and overcame every trial, tribulation, issue, obstacles and much more. It brings an awareness to us women that we are stronger than we think. To say we are resilient is an understatement kind of." -Alana

"To me, this day is a reminder that those who are transforming our world in some of the most important often do so with the least recognition. It also makes me feel more connected to feminine energy around the globe "


"International Women's Day means standing in our divine feminine power with audacity & humility."


@creativeafrik on instagram

Things you can try to support other women:

  • Connect with a sister group.

  • Connect with a woman who is a fitness trainer.

  • Support an artist who is a woman.

Tatiana Jasira Lima

Tarn Ellis Art


  • Support a woman led business. (If you see an instagram by a woman's name above please support them)

  • Listen to a podcast. Black Girls Guide to Menopause, Cultivating H.E.R. space, The new mamas podcast, & Skin and the city, She did that, and Black Girls in Om, and Brown girl self-care are all favorites.

  • Try cuisine from a different culture.

  • Learn a new language.

  • Pick up a book from an author who is a woman.

Much gratitude for all these women for their authentic expression. You are appreciated. I pay homage to your ancestors who have planted seeds within you so that you may prosper as well as all the courageous, fearless, fierce women who have come before us and who were shape shifters and persistent changemakers. I am grateful for my ancient ancestors, my grandmother (Ibaiye) my mother, and the many women who have planted seeds within me on my journey so that I can continue to prosper as a wife, mother, sister, cousin and friend. I am also grateful for my magic, medicine, and spirituality. May the way continue to be blessed for community to connect with their higher selves so that they may align with their gifts, passions, and what their hearts desire so they can live a purpose driven life.

Today is my grandmother's birthday and she is missed, earth side.

May we remember the moments and wisdom you shared with us all.(Ibaiye)

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