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Comfort during the holidays

Feeling blue?

The holiday season is here. For some the holidays are a time of gratitude, excitement, gathering with family, and creating new memories. For others, the holidays may bring heavy feelings from stress, grief, depression, and anxiety. This is a really challenging time for people around the world. Many are experiencing sadness, hardship and missing loved ones. For some, the release of what needed to fall away in this season may leave them feeling blue.

November has always been a heavy time for me and this past turkey day and day of giving thanks I was visited by grief and sadness because I was remembering loved ones who have transitioned. I was missing the chance to pick up the phone and dial a number that is no longer in service, having the chance to hug them, and share laughs with them again. Quality time is an act of love and is very much appreciated. I could’ve dismissed what I was feeling but instead I chose to acknowledge what was coming up for me and I honored my ancestors by journaling and sitting in gratitude even though I was sad. In reflection my conclusion was although my loved ones are no longer earthside, I am blessed to be able to carry them in my heart as well as having had the opportunity to experience them in this lifetime. The memories left behind are priceless and I believe that is an extended love offering to us who are still on our journey. I am learning that grief is a process and one’s journey with grief may show up differently from another person experiencing it.

The way I coped with the grief that showed up for me was to celebrate new life with our son on his first turkey day. Which was joyful. This year my husband and I created new memories and spent our day of thanks cooking together, being present, and appreciating the love and positive exchanges with our baby boy. There is so much power in being present.

If you may be experiencing emotional heaviness in your life It really helps to have support as you cope with the emotions that show up for you. Reach out to someone in your tribe, that could be a friend, family member, or a neighbor. There is comfort in knowing you don’t have to experience winter or holiday blues alone.

If you landed here, welcome and thank you for sharing hearts and space with me. My hopes are that you enjoyed your day of giving thanks and if you are experiencing the blues, may you receive healing energy and the virtual hugs I am sending your way. May loving experiences find their way to you and the way continues to be blessed for you and your loved ones.

Some tips on how to get through Holiday blues:

Avoid isolating yourself.

Be patient with yourself.

Get some rest if your body needs it.

Listen to some upbeat music.

Maybe go for a walk and get some fresh air.

Try box breathing, it is a mindful technique that helps you become present and check in with yourself. Stress and anxiety don’t stand a chance. If you want to learn more about this technique check out this article from Medical News Today.


Rose Quartz

I find relief by keeping healing crystals to bring comfort. During meditation rose quartz and lepidolite helped me accept my emotions and really brought calmness. I also just keep them in my pocket. If you do not know about healing crystals check out this article: Crystals For Emotional Healing: Finding the Right One for You - SOLANCHA.

Holiday Blues Tea Blend

I’d like to offer an uplifting herbal tea blend recipe to assist with the Holiday Blues

2 parts of Lemon balm

1 part nettle

1 part chamomile

1 part oatstraw

Add Agave, honey, or sweetener of choice to taste

Combine hot water and your tea blend using a steeper or reusable tea bag

Let your tea sit for 5-7 minutes and enjoy it warm.

Get to know these herbs and flowers. A great guide is a book written by Victoria Zak, 20,000 Secrets of Tea.

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