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Speak to Yourself with Grace and Beautiful Words

What do you say to yourself when you look in the mirror? Do you say affirmations? Affirmations are an interesting concept. When I first heard of them it took me a while to align with the idea because I was in a low vibrating space. I was angry with where I was in my life. I was hiding because of my trauma and built defense mechanisms which created a mask and I needed something to inspire me to come out from all of that and play with the idea of wanting more for myself. I wanted a change and the things I thought may work weren’t giving what needed to be gave. I also wasn’t a fan of myself, I felt powerless, and I wasn’t confident enough to look in the mirror because at the time I didn’t like who was looking back at me.

I will be honest I didn’t know how changing the way I spoke to myself would change my reality but I figured if I was able to engage in negative self-talk without thinking twice which I now know created limited beliefs within my subconscious over time, then talking to myself in a positive way to inspire and empower myself could be a way to redirect that energy and overtime I could possibly believe I am worthy of things I didn’t think I could achieve. I decided to move forward. I made a choice to get better and change my bad habits that wasn’t helping me evolve. I wasn’t loving myself. Self reflection is the key to self awareness. I did a lot of looking back on my life and revisiting all of my past mistakes, the revisiting is what held me back from living at the level of my blessings. I should put emphasis on “way to long.” I cared to much what people would think of me and say about me and with doing that it influenced my decisions.

I understood affirmations to be statements that start with I am followed by a positive word or phrase which could promote actions that lead to a positive result. They support a new belief about yourself and your reality. Once I digested the concept, I put intention behind my words and put them on repeat. There is a powerful energy that comes with setting intentions and I was ready to flow and align with a purpose driven life. It took some time but I started believing what it was I was speaking, because at first, I wasn’t making the connection that I could be more or attract more without thinking “more” was too much for me or I that I was even good enough to receive said things. What I didn’t realize was the most powerful thing I could’ve done was be patient with myself as things were unfolding. I was on a journey to loving myself and that consisted of committing to actions that would help me grow so as my mind began to change, I began to believe I could achieve said things. Who I am on the outside is who I think I am on the inside; I am a manifestation of my thoughts. I realized happiness doesn’t come from material possessions it is a choice and how I talk to myself is also a choice and that is what I believe to be self-love.

Mirror, mirror on the wall. You and I have been through it all. I see you, Goddess. Shining like the star that you are.

, This is an exercise for the mind to reprogram your thinking patterns just as you would exercise your body to improve physical health. With this practice I started writing them as well as speaking them in the morning and before I went to sleep and as I wrote them on sticky notes, I posted them where I could see them so I could remember to say them throughout the day. I valued myself enough to make a change and it became rewarding. I started coupling affirmations with breathwork and it became calming to my nerves at times when I felt overwhelmed or stressed. This tool has allowed me to live my life speaking juicy words over my life and I enjoy sharing this experience with others. My words were making me feel good about myself. I also enjoy the person looking back at me in the mirror. My hopes are that you can adopt this concept when you feel challenged and this become a way to overcome self-sabotaging self-talk. Talking to yourself with grace and beautiful words is the engine to propel you. Create affirmations specifically to meet yourself where you are and changes you’d like to see in your life. Change is always possible. Be sure to create statements that you can accept or they may have little effect. Have fun and whatever you do, do not take yourself so seriously. Be gentle with yourself. May the way be blessed for affirmations to empower you, increase your self-esteem, inspire you to create, believe in your own abilities, and love on yourself in the most abundant way.


If you are new to this practice. Here are 4 tips:

-Try to start with 2 to 4 minutes at least twice a day repeating each affirmation at least 7 times.

-Find a quiet space take 3 deep breaths to center yourself and to become present in your body. You can also recite them in the mirror to enjoy your reflection.

-Listen to yourself saying your affirmations and as you repeat them believe them to be true.

-Create a consistent routine.

Here are a few affirmations that I hope resonates. If any of these don’t apply let them fly.

* I Am Pure. I Am Balanced. I Am Everything I Need. I Am Serenity.

*All I can do is my best

*I can remain calm even when I feel annoyed (insert 3 deep breaths) to cool your head and calm your spirit

*I appreciate my body and all it does for me each day, and I keep myself in good health with regular activity and nutritious food.

*I invite gratitude into my heart.

*I treat myself with kindness every day.

*I am grateful to feel the air in my lungs and the beating of my heart.

*I treat myself as tenderly as a cherished loved one. When imperfections rear their heads, where I once showered myself with cruelty and shame, I will offer myself comfort and care.

*Everything is working out for me exactly as it supposed to be.

*I will prioritize rest and regeneration as fiercely as I do creation and production.

*I Am grateful for who I am and the things I already have in my life.

*I will not be fearful when I feel lost because I’ve been there before. I will learn to embrace how exciting it is to not know and honor the growth that will inevitably bloom from that space.

*Money flows to my bank account with ease and abundance.

*I Am worthy of my dream life and I attract the right energy for my success.

* I persevere with grace in times of adversity.

Ase’ O


(ah-shay)- is a Yoruba word defined as the power to make things happen or so let it be. It is also known as spiritual force that flows through things.

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